April 30, 2013


"I'm sorry, God. I'm really sorry."
It's all I can say in front of You.

I wish I didn't do it
I wish I didn't hurt You
But, I did

What a shame!
Coming before You without feeling ashamed
Angels may think, "How dare you? After what you have done?"

But, God, I don't know where to go
You are the only one I can remember
I don't want to lose You

I know I've done bad things
I should have thought about the consequences before doing it
because, I can lose You

But, God, please don't leave me
I'm nothing without You
No one will accept me just like You do

You're the only one who can give me a second chance
Men may give it too but it means nothing compared to Your acceptance
Your promise and love is the eternal one

Forgive me, God... forgive me

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
1 John 1:9

April 29, 2013


When I wake up in the morning and I can't see the bright light of the sun,
You said, "Pray to Me."

When moment goes wrong and my heart is filled with disappointment,
You said, "Pray to Me."

When troubles come and it is hard for me to see the way out,
You said, "Pray to Me."

When friends and relatives walk away and no one wants to help me,
You said, "Pray to Me."

When things turn out to get worse and worse each time and I become desperate,
You said, "Pray to Me."

When everything seems fine and no obstacles lie in front of me,
You said, "Pray to Me."

When the earth singing and the sky glowing and I'm filled with joy,
You said, "Pray to Me."

You never stop reminding me to pray,
You never quit changing me into a prayer,
You never give up trying to call me into Your presence,
for You want me to be Your prayer warrior,
someone who lives in prayer,
someone who believes in prayer,
someone who wins through prayer.

April 28, 2013


There is a unique restaurant that serves food for its guesses in the middle of darkness. They intentionally close the guesses eyes and shutdown the room light so that no one will see the food or other guesses, except the waiters.

Most guesses have difficulties in taking their food and bringing it into their mouths, and sometimes spilling out their food or drink because they definitely can't see a thing. They might be able to talk about what kind of food they're eating with other guesses but most of them feel amazed about how good a food taste when they can't see it. (The owner said that a food look/appearance can influence its consumer to create a certain perception about the taste. When people are blindfolded, they can't create any (negative) perception about their food except enjoying it. When their eyes are no longer functioning, the other senses will become sharper, including the tongue, so that it can taste food better than before.)

It sounds amazing to know that we can enjoy a more delicious taste from simple food when we are blindfolded. If it always works, I think I will keep my eyes closed every time I eat. But that is not what I'm going to talk about. Don't you think the same way works when we judge others. When we first meet people, we often try to make a prejudice about them through their appearance. We can easily decide whether a person is good or not through his look. Well, unfortunately the judgement isn't always right. We can do find a lot of goodness in people who don't look good. (I hope you can understand what I mean.)

Certainly, appearance is not a good standard in showing about people (although sometimes it can give us a right judgement, but the fact isn't always like that). We are demanded to see something deeper than just outer look. God can see whether someone is good or not, not from his appearance, but from his heart. (Some people perhaps will say, "But how can I see someone's heart? I'm not God!") That's why we need His wisdom to enable us to see what's inside someone's heart, and let us stop judging people from their looks.

"Do not judge a book from its cover!"

April 27, 2013


We work with children. We try to help them with their education and their health. We realize that our help is almost nothing compared to the world's demand nowadays. Schools are proven to be more expensive than several years ago, and good medications are more difficult to get if we don't have much money. But, in the middle of crisis, we try to give a little light for needy children to live better.

Unfortunately, our intention doesn't always bear good results. There are children or parents who don't care with education or health. We remind them the benefit and importance of education, but they decided not to go to school anymore; they chose to work or live with their own way (unemployment-free life). We teach them the advantage of doing sports, living in green and clean environment, but they keep throwing trash anywhere, don't care about the cleanness of their body, their house, their area. Not only that. They even reject us and have bad thoughts about us.

Sometimes we are desperate; we've done a lot of things but we find dead end, people we minister choose to give up. We realize that it is our ministry and in ministering people we have to rely on God more than everything. It doesn't matter what response we will receive from the them, our job is not to give up. We will not give up in telling about hope and brighter future. We will not give up in speaking about what God has done in our lives. We will not give up in pronouncing about a better life in Him. We will not give up.

It is very difficult to change someone's way of thinking indeed, but God teaches us about heart of a minister, heart of God. He teaches us not to give up and to bring them in prayer. And you know what... something happens, several children are changed, and we can see the fruit of our trees of effort. We can do it because God enable us to do it. They can not be changed if it is not God who changes them. Our God is truly God of every divine ministry.

April 25, 2013


Bible talks about worship, praise, and the importance of attending a meeting together. It teaches us to love house of the Lord and not to abandon times when we should come to worship (to church).

In my city, I still find different stories or excuses why some Christians do not go to church. Some of them are classical ones such as working overtime and family business. But I also find other unique excuses. They say they can read the Bible by themselves at home. They say they don't have money for transportation. They say they might have money to go to church, but they don't have money to give offering.

I did try to understand their excuses but somehow I never could. I grow up in a family, which thanks God, teaches me to love a meeting. My parents teach me not to leave any kind of meeting, especially Sabbath meeting. I can be very busy with my education or job but I can not make it as an excuse to leave time to be meet God and other believers. I do can read and meditate Bible by myself at home, but I can not waste a chance to grow in faith with other believers. I can have no money for the transportation but I can still go to the nearest church. I may not have enough money for an offering but I believe I still have some pennies to bring to God (just as the poor widow in the Bible). The point here is I can still meet God and other believers if I really want it. Now, the question is, "Do I want it?"

Bible asks us, not only in the meaning of "requesting" or "ordering", but also in the meaning of "suggesting," "bringing us along" to go to a meeting where we can praise and hear His words, where we can encourage one another among the believers. It also reminds us to do it more often than before considering to the approaching Day, Day of His coming. If we still put the above reasons to keep us out from church, then it will be harder for us to spend time for such meeting, because the Bible tells us to do it more often than before.

For some of us who are still questioning the point of doing a meeting, I think they have to question again their faith. If King David and King Solomon knew how to show their love and gratitude to the Mighty God by preparing a magnificent meeting in the Lord's house, why don't we? Bible also write this for us, that any of us who meet together in His name will experience His presence and power by ourself. That's why miracles happen during such togetherness. That's why we never suppose to leave such meeting.

Dear Father in heaven, forgive me if sometimes I waste my time with You and the other believers for my own business. I definitely didn't know how to appreciate You. Teach me to love Your house and encourage other believers in Your name. Help me to see the point, the benefit, the power of meeting together. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Hebrew 10:25

April 24, 2013


Most people may be don't know that I am a mommy's daughter (most people think that daughter is commonly close to her father, and son to his mother; but, not with me). I never feel shy to admit it, because it is the truth and I can't deny it. We are so close until I can never hide anything from her. Even though my mother sometimes can't keep secret, but still I can't hide anything from her.

I love to put my head on my mom's stomach (or her lap) because it is so warm and comfortable. I feel that I am loved, and like a spoiled little child, I can hear her heart beats. It is a very nice moment and I think I will never exchange it with anything else, because I love to be with her.

Today, when I slept again on her lap, I thought that it is a kind of relationship that every Christian should have with Father in heaven, including me. When I consider God as my very close parent, I will never mind being a spoiled child sleeping on His lap everyday, hearing His heart beats, enjoying His warm and comfortable love, and never being able not to tell my secrets to Him. But, this moment is impossible to experience if we have no good relationship with Him, and I experience it by myself.

I had a moment when everything seemed to be so wrong; I did bad things, I thought bad thoughts, I felt bad feelings... uhhh... everything so wrong until I felt so far with God. One day my friend asked me, "Sany, have you read your Bible today?" When he said it, he unintentionally reminded me that every (church) servant is suggested or recommended or obliged to read Bible everyday. When he said it, He unintentionally slapped me to remember that God is supposed to be the only one in life. When he said it, I was embarrassed.

From that day, I have promised to God and to myself to enjoy my every moment with Him. I pray with purpose. I sing with purpose. I work with purpose. I did everything with purpose, with a purpose to please Him. Since that day, I start to be different because God has changed me from nobody to somebody, His child.

April 21, 2013


I love when you hold me
embrace me with Your loving arms
I love when you touch my head
touch it gently with Your caring hands

You're the one who taught me to speak
You're the one who taught me to walk
You're the one who taught me about Math
You're the one who taught me about Art

You spoil me when I do bad things
You thank me for doing little things
You argue with me about my choices
You pray for me every single night

I know that you're the one who knows me
more than anyone ever does
I know that you're the one who accepts me
no matter what people around me think

I wish I can make you happy all the time
I hope I can do everything for you
I will do anything to make you proud
I bring your name in my every prayer

Mom, thank you for always being there for me
in times when no other people would help
Thank you for bringing me to God
Your faithfulness is endless


My friend told me that she knows a woman, I forgot her name, that she is a woman with a great impact in every prayer she prayed. Each time she prays, she will speak loudly to God as if He were her own good friend. She will also lift up her Bible, and says, "Father, You've said it by Yourself. It's written here. So, keep Your word."

When she told me about her, I was so thrilled. I never imagine someone who speaks to God like that, who speaks as if she were reminding God about His word, who speaks like they were very good friends, especially at present days.

Remember when the Bible writes about King Hezekiah? It tells us that he was very sick. God sent Isaiah to tell him that he would die soon. But what happened after that was a great story to tell. The king turned his face to the wall, He spoke to God about his love and his faith, and he wept greatly. Not too long before Isaiah left the palace, God sent him back to the king to tell him that he would be recovered from his sickness, that he would live another fifteen years, that he would defeat his enemies.

I believe that our God is not inconsistent God, but He does let Himself to be affected by our prayers. What we have to do is to live in righteousness for He listens to the righteous prayers. Pray for the sake of God, in the name of Jesus Christ. As long as we do not pray for ourself, as long as we pray with God's love, as long as we pray in faith, He will never mind changing His decision for us. I don't know about you, but I really want to be that person, the person whose prayers are able to move God to do something.

Dear Father, I come to You with words that You've spoken to me. I want to be Your tower of prayer, God, that's why I need Your power, Your Spirit, to come and lead me to walk as the righteous man in front of You. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.
James 5:16b

April 19, 2013


In You...

In You I find my peace
through storm and raging seas
I am so blessed to know You
who has filled me with grace

Verses of love flow from Your throne
sanctifying my life
I'm so grateful to love You
who has sacrificed Your life

To meet You every day
to speak with You every minute
is the best moment in every step
is the most beautiful time in every breath

I love to stay in Your presence
I long to rest in Your arms
for I know nothing will separate us
for I know nothing can stop us

No one compares to You, Lord
and I really want to be with You always
You are the center of my spirit
and I will never let You go

April 18, 2013


All of us must have problems, right? Even children already have problems; friendship, relationship, family, education, etc. All we have to do as Christians is surrendering everything to our Mighty God.

Me and my friend once faced a problem concerning with money. We had to get a certain amount of money to fulfill our target. We both are Christians, I think you should know that, and we believe that God is able to fulfill our needs. But, something interesting to me happened when we drove home. On our way home, I tried to comfort him by saying, "It's okay, we'll get through this." Then I sang, "To be with You, Father, I can do anything. I'll pass difficult times, with You all by my side..." And you know what, before I finished singing, my friend whispered to himself, "'To be with Father? Fine. But we are the one who should fine the money, dear."

Can you see what was happening? Even when someone is a Christian, she can be attacked by uncertainty, worry, or the worst thing, disbelief. We have God of everything, but we can't believe if He is able to do everything. Just remember, our God is God who made the universe, who made us, who heals the sick, who forgive sinners, who lives again from death, who will resurrect us.

And thank to God, the story didn't end until the time when we drove home. God helped us to finally fulfill our target. It's a difficult moment for us, but nothing is too difficult for God.

April 16, 2013


In a small house in the border of Ohio, lived a poor widow with her only eighteen months son. The boy grew up and within a few years, he had to cut trees and planted a small piece of land owned by his mother in the wood. Even though he had to work in a very young age, he still spent a little time to study. He used every minute to read books he borrowed (for he had no money to buy them).

When he was sixteen, he worked gladly as a (donkey) shepherd along the canal. He then took a new job as a cleaning service at school to pay his school fee.

In the first year at Geanga Seminarie, he only received $ 17. So he worked for a carpenter for $ 1 a week. He would work at night, he would work at holiday, and he would come on Saturday to receive 1 dollar and 2 cents. In the next winter, he got $ 12 for teaching.

It didn't take too long for him to finally study at William College and graduate as a doctor with cumlaude predicate. He was 26 years old when he became the United States Senator. Seven years later, he became the congressman. James A. Garfield finally became President of the United States.

Who ever thought that his past would lead James A. Garfield to be the number one person in the United States. For some people it is an impossible thing. They who come from poor families or experience other bitter childhoods may never dare to dream as a president. But, what has President Garfield undergone gives us a courage to dream big, to hope for the best, to achieve for the best.

God also wants the best thing for us. That's why we should never stop dreaming for nothing is impossible.

April 15, 2013


Have you ever seen a police officer stood in the middle of a crossroad or a T-junction and managed a heavy traffic with his hands and his whistle? I believe you have. Don't you think it is something cool? A man standing in the middle of a traffic jam can control such number of vehicles which obey him so much? No matter how small or big the vehicle is, the policeman still rules. No matter how many those vehicles are, the policeman still the powerful one. No matter how big, fat, slim, handsome or not the policeman is, as long as he is wearing his uniform, he still be the man in charge.

But, have you ever seen an ordinary man stood in the middle of such road, acted like a traffic police, and was obeyed by all drivers? Some of you might have seen it, but again, it wasn't something common. The truth is no one will obey such person for they think that the man has no authority to rule over them, to decide whether they can turn, move on, etc. Even the man is big, muscle, handsome, or a policeman (too), without his uniform people won't listen to him. See... how a uniform has a great influence in giving someone authority.

The same thing is happening to us. We using to be ordinary people have received a great authority from heaven as children of God. God has justified us, He has given us cloth of justification, of holiness, by which we can come to His presence freely. He has empowered us to stand against the evil, to trample on snakes and scorpions, to overcome all the power of the enemies. It is a truly great authority. But, without the identity of God's children, without the cloth of justification and holiness, we are nothing, and we have no power over anything.

We, God's children, can only live by His grace and power. We do need Him more than anything in life, not only for this life, but also for the next life, for the eternity. Never deny Him or reject Him for He is the only one who can make us win. Please, never leave God for He loves you.

April 14, 2013


Thanks to God, the Host of the universe, who has entrusted us great ministry to take.

Hello, everyone... how's life? We pray that God's grace comes and stays upon every reader's (your) life. We, Christian Daily Devotion Team, for the first time, would like to share what's behind (the background of) the making of this online devotion.

First, we are very grateful that we can bring a new daily devotional atmosphere to all readers for the last three months. We do hope that each writing you read can bless you, bring you closer to a new insight and divine understanding we have received personally from God.

The truth is, we designed it for worldly motives, at first. We might have good intention, but it was not a true sincerity. But, along our way to write, we do feel that God brings us to a new level of blessing. He puts us into a beautiful process of life. He makes each writing speaks back to us, everyday. He makes us know that it is more than just personal or team devotion, that it is a divine ministry, His ministry.

We do not come from English speaking country, (you might have realized it by reading our articles) but we challenge ourself not to make language as a barrier to speak about God's goodness. Some of you may think that we have imperfect English. We admit it. We also apologize if it makes you uncomfortable. But His love and faithfulness to us has moved us, pushed us to make a decision that we won't stop writing. Now, from the bottom of our heart, we truly want to say that we will keep sharing every insight God has given to us to you. With a renewed intention, we do hope that all of you are blessed by it.

Each article is a true reflection of our lives, and we want to dedicate them for the best, the kindest, the most awesome, the mighty One, Father in heaven.

April 06, 2013


It's really hard indeed to change someone's character, right?

I have a friend from a very simple family. She once told me about her parents, how they used to live in an old way of life, such as cooking with woods, or ironing with charcoal iron. I know that they are not a rich family, but I think they all are hard workers, including my friend. She worked in a company and without her sister living with her, she has to work for the sake of her family. I think her effort is not in vain. With her salary, she tried to ease her parents life by giving them things, such as gas stove or electrical iron. She hoped that those stuff could make her parents' lives easier. (They don't have to buy charcoal and use the heavy charcoal iron. They do not need to find woods when they want to cook something.) It's a very good and kind intention, I think. She wants a better life for her parents. But, in fact, her intention was not really succeeded. Her parents still used the old stuff, woods and charcoal iron.

Changing a character has almost the same proses as changing a habit. You need to adjust yourself with something new, get used to it, and do it until it becomes the part of you. The difference is it takes longer time to change someone's character than to change his habit. Some people said that it needs at least 21 days to change someone's habit (My friend's parents finally uses the gas stove and the electrical iron several months later.). But, it takes years, or may be a lifetime to change someone's character.

A character is influenced by conditions, environments, surroundings, everything connected with a person since he was born, even since he was a fetus. If someone grows in good family, good environment, he has greater potention of having a healthy, good character. On contrary, a person surrounded by violence and other deviation in society has a greater potention of having a deviate character. Here we know that if a character is built through times, it also take times to change it.

I have experienced it by myself. It is very difficult to change into a patient person, someone who doesn't take everything too serious so that she isn't angry easily. I have to face moments testing my patience in order to be a better person, a patient person.

You may experience the same thing. You want to be a better person but it is too hard to do. But let us remember that there is nothing too hard for our Lord. He can do everything, including things we considered too hard to do, including things we considered impossible. He can change you and me.

I believe that the process is not easy, but we have God who will empower us to make it. Doesn't He create us for good things, good purposes? He will enable us to do things, even impossible things. He will change us to be good people, better people, the best people. He is able to do so.

Just surrender our life to God during the process. I say again, it will not be easy, it will never be easy. But, it will not be in vain, for He can do great things through you and me when we surrender.

Father, I surrender my life to You. I want to be a better person for You, and You're the only one who can change me. I give myself into Your process. Give me a heart that will not give up easily. Strengthen me along my way to the place where You are. I know it won't be easy, but I also know that there is nothing impossible for You. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the LORD. They will be my people, and I will be their God, for they will return to me with all their heart.
Jer. 24:7

April 05, 2013


Yesterday my pastor told me that his car has got a little accident. When he parked it outside a church, a man bringing a three wheel motorbike unintentionally scratched it. The scratch was quite deep. But, he decided not to be bothered by it and just asked the man to be more careful next time.

It's a very kind deed I think, because not all people would do what he did. I believe that most people will ask for something, such as money in return, or at least scolded the man. Am I right? But, hearing the story makes me realize that it is what exactly God wants from us, His children, to love others, to forgive others.

Some people may think that they have right to be angry or to get what they should get, but God has shown us how a true Christian should live; with love. As long as we are not bothered by things in this world, we are free from being hurted by the world. As long as we remember that this life is only a small part of the real life (eternity), we know that our true inheritance is not in this world.

Let us try to give every single thing in our life to God. Believe that God is the Lord of everything, who can do all things, who owns all things. By doing this we shall live in a real life, life of surrendering.

Dear Father, I thank You for every blessing You've been trusted into my hands. I know that I do not own them, it's all Yours. That is why I surrender all to You, Father. Give me a heart of surrendering, so that I do not love them and not to be bothered by them. Give me a heart clinging on You only, for You are the true treasure of mine. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this:
Psa. 37:5


Have you ever won a lottery? Or a doorprize? Anyone who gets it must be very happy, right? But, unfortunately, not with me. It happened years ago when I was a kid.

I remember when I was in elementary school. A food product came and made a demonstration to our school. They held a doorprize and the first prize was a man bike. Each student and teacher got a ticket with numbers on it. And just like the other, I hoped I could take one of the prizes home. But I didn't hope to get the bike, because I didn't know how to ride a bike and was too afraid to learn to ride it at that time.

Until the second best prize, my number was not mentioned. I was a little bit disappointed. I decided to go home early (because we were allowed to leave school if we want to) when my number was suddenly announced for the first prize. I stopped walking. Being happy but also confused, I dropped the ticket in front of my classmate, picked it up and surprised this friend of mine by taking her ticket and exchanged it with mine. "Rin, you win it! It's your number!! You win the bike!!!"

It sounds silly, doesn't it? Yup, I gave my bike to my friend. Because of what? Because I didn't know how to ride a bike. Because I was afraid to ride a bike. Because I didn't want people saw me holding the bike on my way home without riding it, and knew that I was a kid who could not ride a bike. Huft...

God's blessings are prepared for all of us, His children. He will never hold it back when He thinks we deserve it. It's just that sometimes we become the side who screw things up. We do sin. We don't believe. We are filled with fear. All of these things hold blessings back from us.

Trust God! When He trusts you His blessing, He knows that you deserve it, or He wants to test You, whether you can be trusted with the blessing or not. Just believe that when the blessing comes, God will empower you to manage it. Don't ever reject the blessing, for it is God's trust to you.

April 04, 2013


I have a friend who doesn't really like eating. It is weird, isn't it? While everybody has breakfast, lunch, or dinner, my friend, as the matter of fact, tries to avoid them. He doesn't like snacks too. Almost all of his mother efforts to prepare his meals are useless. When he eats something, he will never finish his meals. In the end, he will throw the rest of it to the trash can. What a waste?

This evening, me and my friend brought food for the homeless. We put ten packs of rice when about fifteen people suddenly surrounded us. I never thought before that food is a very precious thing for them, especially when I consider my friend who doesn't seem to be friendly with food.

Something is considered precious when someone needs it. For my friend, food may be not important. But for those who need it, it is very very precious. For those not having difficulty in finding water, do not know how to appreciate it. But for those living in a dry area, water is something precious and should not be wasted.

Everything on earth is a blessing God has given and trusted to us. He wants us, human, to use it and also keep it. We are never told to waste anything in it, on it, because God has trusted us to keep it.

Be grateful for everything we have, and keep remembering that not all people have what we have, get what we get, taste what we taste. Try to appreciate His blessing in our life, and we can start it from the most common and the smallest things around us.

Dear God, thank you for every blessing You have trusted to me. Forgive me if all this time I often waste it. Thank you for our food, water, clothes, house, education, job, family, husband or wife, children, friends... for everything, I do thank You. Teach me how to appreciate them. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Eph. 5:20

April 02, 2013


Dear Father,

I come to thank You, for giving me a good family around me. What should I say to You, God? I believe it needs more than just thank you. They are such a great blessing for me. Without them, I'm homeless, I'm alone, I'm lonely, I'm hollow.

Thank you for giving me my father. Although he's not as perfect as I expect, but He loves me. It's true that sometimes I couldn't understand the way He loves me... He's so protective, He's so subjective... but I know that You live in Him to guide me to be someone You want me to be.

Thank you for giving me my mother. Do You know that You have given me the very very very best friend in the world? When I pray for good friends, You send her to stand by my side. When I ask for a loyal companion, You give her to sit with me. You know what? I think You've given me everything I ask from You through her.

Thank you for giving me my sister. We used to fight often, but I can never deny that I love her. She's the one who always brings me chocolate. She's the one who always helps me with all my needs. I know that she has her own family right now, but she always be kind to me.

Thank you for giving me my brother. I do not know him that long because he's not my sibling, but I thank you for making him my brother through my sister. He might be not that handsome, but he is a hard worker and he loves my sister. He always tries to help us even though he's not in that good condition. What a nice brother You gave to me.

I pray to You, God, love them with abundant love, bless them with unstoppable blessings, hold their lives in Your hands. They are very precious to me and I will do anything for them. God, I do thank you for giving them to me. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


There was a little girl who was lost in a market. She had just lost her mother's grasp and she couldn't find her mother among so many people around her. She didn't know what to do, so she just walked here and there to find her mother. But, she couldn't find her anyway.

The little girl cried. Her tears fell over her red cheeks and she couldn't even control it. She lost hope that she could go back home and see her family. She cried louder and louder and hoped that her crying brought her mother back to her. She knew that without her mother, she would never find her way back home.

Just like the little girl, we are nothing without our Heavenly Father. We are so much depending on Him to find our way back home, heaven. When we lose His grasp, and we cannot find Him, we don't have a guarantee that we will be save, that we will find the right way, that we will not be lost.

Parents are the little girl's whole world just as God is our whole world just. The girl hasn't know how eat well by herself, how to go home by herself, how to live by herself... all she knows that she cries aloud when she cannot find her parents. When we realize that we need God more than anything in this life, we will cry out loud when we are far from Him -  for we know that we cannot live without Him.

Realize His meaning in your life. He will always be there for you as a friend, as a guardian, as a parent. He just wants you to rely on Him just like a little girl relies on her parents. He has promised that He will never leave you.

Dear God, thank you for being my God, my parent. Thank you for holding my hands and never let them go. I know I will be lost without You, I have no hope without You. That's why, hold my life tight, God, for You are my whole world. Amen

And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Mat. 18:3

April 01, 2013


Today we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. A great moment to celebrate of course, because it is part of one of the most important moments in the history of mankind. It might be a little bit weird for some people when they see how Christians celebrate Christ's death on the cross. Of course it's funny for them, but not for us. We who understand the meaning of the death, on contrary, feel grateful for it, because we know it changes our life.

I myself can never imagine the pain that Jesus underwent at that time, when He decided to drink from the cup of sorrow. He as God could have just passed the moment and didn't sacrifice His life for us. But no, He did choose to accept it, He chose to save us, He chose to be separated with God - "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?", and He chose to die.

But the story doesn't stop there. Our God lives again. He did it to prove that nothing can hold Him back, including death. He did it to show to the world that He has power over everything, including death. He did it to tell all mankind that by trusting Him they shall receive life, for He is God who lives.

Now, why don't you try to open your heart for Him? You know, He died so that you may live, and He lives so that your faith isn't in vain. He loves you. He could choose to love the stars, the flowers, the galaxies, the angels... but no. Among all the things He has created, He chooses you and me to be His object of love. He chooses you and me to be the one He died for. Once again I say you, He loves you, more than anything in this universe.

Dear God, thank you for the cross, thank you greatest sacrifice You have showed to me. I really don't know how to pay it back. But even if I know millions ways, I will never be able to repay Your love. Once again, thank you for the cross.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[f] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16