April 15, 2013


Have you ever seen a police officer stood in the middle of a crossroad or a T-junction and managed a heavy traffic with his hands and his whistle? I believe you have. Don't you think it is something cool? A man standing in the middle of a traffic jam can control such number of vehicles which obey him so much? No matter how small or big the vehicle is, the policeman still rules. No matter how many those vehicles are, the policeman still the powerful one. No matter how big, fat, slim, handsome or not the policeman is, as long as he is wearing his uniform, he still be the man in charge.

But, have you ever seen an ordinary man stood in the middle of such road, acted like a traffic police, and was obeyed by all drivers? Some of you might have seen it, but again, it wasn't something common. The truth is no one will obey such person for they think that the man has no authority to rule over them, to decide whether they can turn, move on, etc. Even the man is big, muscle, handsome, or a policeman (too), without his uniform people won't listen to him. See... how a uniform has a great influence in giving someone authority.

The same thing is happening to us. We using to be ordinary people have received a great authority from heaven as children of God. God has justified us, He has given us cloth of justification, of holiness, by which we can come to His presence freely. He has empowered us to stand against the evil, to trample on snakes and scorpions, to overcome all the power of the enemies. It is a truly great authority. But, without the identity of God's children, without the cloth of justification and holiness, we are nothing, and we have no power over anything.

We, God's children, can only live by His grace and power. We do need Him more than anything in life, not only for this life, but also for the next life, for the eternity. Never deny Him or reject Him for He is the only one who can make us win. Please, never leave God for He loves you.

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