April 21, 2013


My friend told me that she knows a woman, I forgot her name, that she is a woman with a great impact in every prayer she prayed. Each time she prays, she will speak loudly to God as if He were her own good friend. She will also lift up her Bible, and says, "Father, You've said it by Yourself. It's written here. So, keep Your word."

When she told me about her, I was so thrilled. I never imagine someone who speaks to God like that, who speaks as if she were reminding God about His word, who speaks like they were very good friends, especially at present days.

Remember when the Bible writes about King Hezekiah? It tells us that he was very sick. God sent Isaiah to tell him that he would die soon. But what happened after that was a great story to tell. The king turned his face to the wall, He spoke to God about his love and his faith, and he wept greatly. Not too long before Isaiah left the palace, God sent him back to the king to tell him that he would be recovered from his sickness, that he would live another fifteen years, that he would defeat his enemies.

I believe that our God is not inconsistent God, but He does let Himself to be affected by our prayers. What we have to do is to live in righteousness for He listens to the righteous prayers. Pray for the sake of God, in the name of Jesus Christ. As long as we do not pray for ourself, as long as we pray with God's love, as long as we pray in faith, He will never mind changing His decision for us. I don't know about you, but I really want to be that person, the person whose prayers are able to move God to do something.

Dear Father, I come to You with words that You've spoken to me. I want to be Your tower of prayer, God, that's why I need Your power, Your Spirit, to come and lead me to walk as the righteous man in front of You. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.
James 5:16b

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