April 14, 2013


Thanks to God, the Host of the universe, who has entrusted us great ministry to take.

Hello, everyone... how's life? We pray that God's grace comes and stays upon every reader's (your) life. We, Christian Daily Devotion Team, for the first time, would like to share what's behind (the background of) the making of this online devotion.

First, we are very grateful that we can bring a new daily devotional atmosphere to all readers for the last three months. We do hope that each writing you read can bless you, bring you closer to a new insight and divine understanding we have received personally from God.

The truth is, we designed it for worldly motives, at first. We might have good intention, but it was not a true sincerity. But, along our way to write, we do feel that God brings us to a new level of blessing. He puts us into a beautiful process of life. He makes each writing speaks back to us, everyday. He makes us know that it is more than just personal or team devotion, that it is a divine ministry, His ministry.

We do not come from English speaking country, (you might have realized it by reading our articles) but we challenge ourself not to make language as a barrier to speak about God's goodness. Some of you may think that we have imperfect English. We admit it. We also apologize if it makes you uncomfortable. But His love and faithfulness to us has moved us, pushed us to make a decision that we won't stop writing. Now, from the bottom of our heart, we truly want to say that we will keep sharing every insight God has given to us to you. With a renewed intention, we do hope that all of you are blessed by it.

Each article is a true reflection of our lives, and we want to dedicate them for the best, the kindest, the most awesome, the mighty One, Father in heaven.

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