May 29, 2013


One day my cousin told me about how she used to update her status on Facebook. She used to write things such as "Oww... hungry!", "I wanna go home", or "Getting stuck in a traffic jam!", until one day her mother asked her not to write such statuses again. Why? Because she believes that such status isn't important to share to the public.

Her opinion might be too old fashioned for most people, especially the young, for updating status is now like another "need" for them; a need of expressing themselves, a need of attention, a need of appreciation, a need of "like", etc. Who doesn't like if their statuses are seen by thousands, liked by hundreds, and commented by tens of people? But I think my aunt's opinion isn't wrong. If we always write sad, complaining, even cursing status, what is the benefit of that?

No one wants to be judged negatively, that's why everyone should pay attention how she behave, speak, act. If we want to earn respect from others, try to respect ourselves by keeping our way pure. Mat. 15:18 also writes this: But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man 'unclean' (Mat. 15:18).

Words seem to be easy to manage, but facts show that words can be hurting, heart breaking, frustrating, even destroying. Let us think over every word we want to produce. Don't let words bring us down and make us punished by God.

Dear God, forgive me if I use to produce unpleasing words before You. Teach me to be Your light and salt through everything in me, including my words and my attitude. Help me to be wiser in life. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, ...
Col. 4:6a

May 28, 2013


"Untuk siapa kulit cantikmu?" This question is used in a lotion advertisement in our country. It means, "Whom is your beautiful skin for?" Models in the advertisement give different answers for the question. Some of them say other people's name, while the last model says, "Me." If you receive the same question, what will your answer be?

Some people, especially women, do beauty treatments in order to look whiter, darker, smoother, prettier. Some of them use the common, while the other even use the extreme ones. Why do they do that? For whom do they do that?

There are a lot of reasons why people have painful and expensive beauty treatment; buy expensive and fashionable clothes; consult the doctor about food they can eat, supplement they can consume, sports they should do; but one of the main reasons is because they want to do it for someone, it could be someone else, or even they themselves. But, no matter what the reason is, we need to remember this, do not take care of our body in order to gratify its desire (Rom. 13:14 LAI Translation).

Having a good, clean looking is important, but the most important is to identify the will of flesh. If we take care of this body only to please our flesh, our sinful nature, repent now. Wake up into a real life and realize that this body isn't eternal, one day it will turn into dust and return to the ground it came from. Take care of our body because we want to bless others, for souls we want to win will run before us if we never take a bath.

Dear Father, forgive me if all this time all I want is to please my own desire, forgive me if I only take care of this body for worldly desires. Teach me to see Your purpose over my life God, including this body. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, 
and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature.
Rom. 13:14

May 27, 2013


Some people question about why the Highest, the most magnificent God, came to the world in a form of an ordinary child? He even had to be placed in a manger. When I asked my students about where they were born, even the poorest child among them said that he was born in a house, not in a sheep pen.

God wants us to learn a lot from Jesus. He is the Son of God, but He knows that God has a big plan for His creation. He knows that without coming to the world by Himself, human will be perished by their sin. He knows that it takes a living sacrifice for a true and eternal redemption. He knows that only He who can save us. That's why, without considering about His position and His being as God's Son, He chose to obey God and sacrificed Himself.

We, human, the little points in the universe, sometimes try to defend our rights and positions. We're never wiling to give them to other people because we think we deserve them more. But, if Jesus Himself never keeps His position because of His love for us, why should we keep ours? If Jesus Himself thinks that live according to God's will is more important than anything, why should we defend this temporary life for perishable matters?

Learn from Jesus! He is humble and obedient.

Dear Father, forgive me if I am not humble and obedient enough before You. Give me a heart like Jesus'. He is extraordinary humble and obedient before You. Thank you for giving us the perfect example, Jesus. Through His humbleness and obedience, I could live with You in eternity. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature[a] God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature[b] of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death—even death on a cross!
Php. 2:5-8

May 26, 2013


Do you have CCTV at home? Do you study in a school which has CCTV camera? Or, do you work in an office which is provided with CCTV camera? If yes, will you act foolishly or do something stupid in front of it? I believe that everyone who knows that they have been watched over all the time will keep the way they behave. If not, someone behind the CCTV will know their bad habits.

We sometimes hide secrets, bad secrets. We tell lies. We are dishonest. We act as if we were good kids, but we smoke and drink behind our parents, and keep cheating in class. We act as if we were good parents, good employees, good leaders, but we betray our family by having affair or doing nasty job in the office.

These several days we have been surprised by the way of one of our "important people" in the country. When we saw the man's face, we will easily conclude that he has a very nice person look. But, it is very surprising knowing that he had done great corruption, lied to his wife about tens girls and women around her. What a man!

When we realize that we live under the supervision of the divine invisible CCTV, we will live wisely and honestly. Nothing to hide before our God. Nothing can be hidden before our God. Even though the CCTV is invisible, live as if it were surrounding you.

Dear Father in heaven, remind me that You and the angels are watching me all the time, so that I know how to act in life, so that I will always choose the right, so that I may live according to Your will, work out Your salvation with fear and trembling. In the name of Jesus Christ, the High Watcher, Amen.

Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling,
Php. 2:12

May 25, 2013


What kind of present do we want on our happiest days? If it is possible... the most expensive, the biggest, the most useful ones. The point is, we want the best. Am I right?

So does God. He wants the best from us. He wants the best life to offer. He wants the best offering to present. He wants the best heart to give. He wants the best of us before Him.

If we now live, it's time for us to ask ourselves, "Have I lived according to God's will? Have I done the best for Him?" Col. 3:23 tells us to do everything with all our heart, as working for the Lord Himself. What's the meaning of that? It means that if we have lived the best, now try to live the life more for our Lord. If we have done the best, now try to do it more as if we were doing things only for God.

We might use to work best for our boss and ourselves. Now it is time for us to do it more for God, as if He were our boss. We might use to cook for our family, sweep our house, take care of our kids. Now it is time for us to do it better for God, as if He were the one who would eat our cooking, as if He were the one who owns the house, as if He were the one who we take care of. It is time for us to do more than just our usual "best".

Dear God, I don't know what kind of thing do You like from me to do, but I want to try to do everything much much better only for You. Show me how I'm gonna do it. Tell me how I'm gonna make it. And give me a heart to always become the best just for You. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men,
Col. 3:23


My father and my mother came from different small cities. But since the distance of both places are not far, they have almost similar culture, tradition, and dialect. But now we live in another city, where it is more "city" than those two places. I mean it is more crowded, more traffic, more people, more business places, and more national.

When I am home, the way I live is influenced by my surrounding, the city area. But when my parents take me to their birth places, it doesn't take too much time for me to live and behave adjusting to the area. The difference which could be obviously seen is my dialect. I do still speak our national language, but I realize that I've already spoken different dialect. I also notice that compared to the way I speak at the first time we arrive at my parents cities, I feel like I can enjoy our togetherness with my new friends there. I feel like I'm so welcome.

We come from different places but it doesn't close any chance that one day we will go to another place, which is very different with ours. In the new place, we have to adjust ourselves. We can't force our culture, our tradition, our habit to the new place which might have different culture, tradition, and habit with ours. If we want to be welcome, we have to put ourselves in their situation and respect the difference between us.

This attitude should be had by all Christians. We should be able to adjust ourselves to different kinds of surroundings in order to be a blessing. If we force our own nature to other people, we will mostly get refusal. But if we show God's nature through being a friendly visitor, we will earn respect and acceptance, and it will be easier for us to tell about God to others.

Be God's people who know how to place themselves in different situations. Be those who are friendly to the rich, but also very kind to the needy. Be those who are humble among the noble, but also simple among the ordinary. Be those who are smart among the intelligent, but also knowledge-giver among the illiterate. Be God's wise people.

Dear, Father, make me into someone who lives with Your wisdom, who knows how to live among different people. I want to be a blessing wherever I go, Father, just like You and other disciples who have blessed nations. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.
Col. 4:5

May 23, 2013


When hope begins to fade and sadness trembles my faith
I close my eyes and see Your face shinning on my ways

I have set plans on my head, but I know that You own my life
I could have forced those plans, but I choose to obey Yours

Forgive me if I become angry and tell bad things about You
Forgive me if I refuse to follow the path having been shown by You

I want to obey, God, I want to obey
I will obey everything You have told me to do

Please, never give up in building a faith inside me
Please, open my heart so I can see what do You want in me

I believe that You are able to open doors others can't see
There is nothing will stop You if You're the one who lifts up me

I love You, God, and I love Your plans and words
They have comforted and consoled my soul

My future is in Your hands, Your only hands
I want to surrender all to You, this life and my eternity

May 22, 2013


A woman was sitting on her house bench. She was looking at people who were wandering in front of her house. She wondered, were these people ever heard about Christ.

She knew that she's just ordinary woman. She's not a preacher or a pastor. She's not a church activist, but she did love God. Realizing that she's getting older everyday, she decided to do something in order to make other people knew about God. She knew that she has a phone book and a telephone, and she realized that she could tell about God through those objects.

She started to call name by name according to the alphabet order in the phone book. She called about twenty people everyday, introducing her name to them, and ask them whether they had ever heard about Jesus or not. Through the telephone, she testified what God had done in her life, His love, His kindness, and she prayed for those who faced problems. She did get refusal from some people, but it didn't stop her to call everyday. From A to Z, she diligently called people and told them about Christ.

Even though she's not a preacher, but her diligence bore fruit. Hundreds of people knew Jesus and finally accepted Him as God and Savior. It only happened through a telephone and a book phone, and a faithful woman.

It's truly exciting when we tell people about God. We declare His kindness, we declare His greatness, and they response us by accepting Him, is truly a wonderful life. We don't have to be a preacher to do it, we can be whatever we are. Just like the anonymous woman above, we can speak about Christ through telephone, through letters, words, even life. As long as we do it for God's sake, I believe that God has His favor over us. And never be disappointed when people reject us, for only God who can draw someone's heart to Him and only Him who knows those who will accept and believe Him. Just be God's hands in reaching for souls.

May 20, 2013


Do you believe that a teacher's life can be transferred to his student?

One day my friend told me that she has a problem with her attitude. She's just realized that she is a kind of person who is easy to make a prejudice over people. When people disappoint her, she'll try to make them pay for it, or at least make them feel guilty. Noticing her feeling, she told me that she wanted to be free from it, from always thinking negatively upon others. She also told me a shocking conclusion, that she never gets the way of thinking from her family or friends, but from her teacher who has taught her for almost her lifetime.

Hearing her story, it's difficult for me to believe it at first. Knowing that a teacher could influence the student that way is a little bit surprising me. But, when I rethink it over, I think it is possible. A teacher might never teach the students to be bad, but if the teacher lives in such life, she is able to transfer that kind of life to her students, without noticing it.

Being a teacher is not easy. It takes more than just knowledge to present to the students. It needs a good heart and spirit. The Bible even told us to rethink it again of becoming a teacher, for it will be judge more strictly. Let us see Jesus' disciples, they didn't only know about the law, but also took their teacher's path, they lived like Him (except Judas). He is definitely the perfect teacher which has ever existed. But, being a good teacher like Jesus is definitely not easy. We need Holy Spirit to lead us. If not, we will be categorized as false teachers.

If you are a teacher, ask God to fill you more with His character. You could be genius and your students love you. But if your life isn't filled with divine character and you still live in sinful life (anger, hatred, pornography, lies, adultery, jealousy, etc), don't be surprised if you find your students live like you. It is not fully their fault, but it is also yours. Keep your heart and life holy when you teach your students, because their life is depending on you.

Dear God, I want to be a good teacher like You. Forgive me who lives in unholy life, who lives in anger and hatred, who lives in lies, etc. Purify me, God, for I don't want my students become like me. Help me to be a teacher like You. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.
Jas. 3:1


Once my friends and I talked about something "great" we wanted to do in the future. Unfortunately, at the end of the conversation three of us realized a thing, we wouldn't be able to do it for each of us considered ourselves a good follower and helper, not a good leader or pioneer. Noticing this fact, I was truly a little bit upset. I know that I'm a good helper, if someone needs a hand, I'll try to do my best to help him, especially if he is someone who has my respect. But, at that moment, I did really want to be a leader, even if it is just for once in a life time.

Holy Spirit is the best helper we could ever have. He will help those who accept Him. He will faithfully guide them and tell them everything God wants them to do, as long as they want to listen to Him. As a helper, I do want to be like Him. A good and helpful helper. But I've just realized that He could help me to be, not only a helper for others, but also a leader. I might haven't realized what kind of leader I will be, but one thing I know that He could help me to be whatever I want in this life, as long as I still live according to God's plan.

Holy Spirit can be your helper too. He will willingly help us to be anything we want to be, again, as long as it is according to God's plan. He can certainly help us to be God's people, they who live for Him, they who please Him, they who have a blessing life or others, they who are His witness on earth. Yes, Holy Spirit can do these things in a single life, our lives. We can be truly a great person before God, only if we have Holy Spirit in us.

Happy Pentecost Day, for this day, the same day two thousands years ago, the disciples were filled with Holy Spirit and their life is totally changed.

Dear God in heaven, I thank You for giving the best in life, the Helper. Thank you for giving me Holy Spirit. I know my life will be totally changed into a life that will please You. In the name of Jesus Christ, thank you, again, for giving me the most precious Helper in the world. Amen.

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
Act. 1:8

May 18, 2013


When we were little, our parents gave us milk, porridge, and any kind of soft food. When we grow up, we learn to eat solid food. Both soft and solid foods are given according to our readiness. No parents will force their 3 months old child to eat peanut, it even has no teeth yet.

The same thing happens with our spiritual life. They who are very young in theirs spiritual life will face test and task according to their spiritual maturity. They who are maturer will get "heavier" test and task, of course. God will not let us be tempted more then we can bear, for He knows the strength of everyone of us.

When things seem so difficult, believe that they are not that difficult. God trust you for the test. He knows more that you know that you are able to solve it. Just, remember His words. But on the other hand, don't boast that you can't be defeated by troubles, for the end of arrogance is failure and humiliation. God has purpose behind every problem, to make us stronger and maturer Christians.

Dear God, thank you for everything happening in my life. I know that You will never leave me alone for will always stand and strengthen me. Teach me to see Your good purpose, God. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.
1 Cor. 10:13

May 16, 2013


I am surrounded by people
but somehow I can't remember a face
I know some of them
but somehow I feel like they don't know me

I want to speak to someone,
someone who can understand me
but they're all busy,
doing this and that in their own plans

I'm wondering, "Do they have my name in their plans?"
What a silly question! Of course not!
People will be busy with themselves
They won't notice that I'm standing there

It's weird, isn't it?
I'm standing in a crowd, but I feel so lonely
Who can see my heart an listen to my soul?
Who can understand and give me the answer I need?

Jesus, Your name is a comforting name
Emmanuel... You've promised that You'll always be by my side
When I remember Your kindness I am comforted
When I remember Your deeds I am marveled

You never leave me alone
You always stand by me through times and moments
You always carry me even when I didn't notice it
Forgive me for forgetting You, and... thank you

Now and forever, all I want is walking with You, Jesus
Is that okay?


When I was a child, my parents used to call me, "tuyul." Well, for those who haven't heard about it, it is a spirit that obtains wealth for its human master. It takes form of a small child, that's why they called me that way, because my body was small compared to other children. I knew that they never meant me to be like one of it, a thief, they just thought that it's a "nickname," "the little." But, honestly I hated to be called that way, because I knew that "tuyul" likes to steal things, and it is not "cute", it is little evil spirit, and I never want to be like it. Since that day, I always correct my parents each time they call that nickname again.

Perhaps, we do have certain nicknames for others. We think that it is a cute name, and it is fine as long as it's just a calling. But, remember the power of our tongue. Some people believe that repeated ideas spoken by tongue are prayers. So, we might never take serious about how do we call or say things to people, but be careful, those words can be considered as prayers, including the bad meaning ones. All of us, of course, want good prayers to be happened, and not the bad ones, right?

"The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit," Pro. 18:21. These verse clearly tell us to beware of our tongue. We are allowed to say things, but we are reminded about the consequences from them. They deal with life and death, see. "Oh please, it can't be that serious, right?" Well, it is that serious. My student always said, "I can't do it," each time she received a task. She had not tried it, but she would always say, "I can't do it." Do you know what did happen? She really couldn't do it while her friends could do it. I decided to tell her about the power of her tongue, that each time she said negative thing, it would really happen. I told her to say, "I can do it," "I'll try," for the next tasks, and she did it. What happen then? She can do the tasks, may be not the best ones, but at least she tries. And obviously her mark is improving.

What kind of word will come out of your tongue? I personally want to pray for good things, I want to say good things, for me and others.

Dear God, I'm sorry if I've used my tongue to say bad things. Help me to control it, God. Help me to say good things, over myself, my family (father, mother, children), my friends, my enemy. I want only good prayers coming out of my tongue. In the name of Jesus Christ, make me Your heavenly speaker, God. Amen

The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.
Pro. 18:21.

May 15, 2013


Many people feel disappointed to God
Many people didn't give thanks for His plan
They failed and hurted,
and they asked, "Why, God... why?"

"Why" question has filled the earth
for so many complaints coming from people's mouths
They are questioning His decision,
and asked how come bad things happen to them

Don't be like such people
for they do not understand God's heart
Don't ask "why" or question His plan
for it always happens for our sakes

"God's goodness is always new every morning."
God guarantees it with joy, peacefulness, and other good things
He will never leave us alone
He just wants us to believe

"Why" question is only for those who are worried
"Why" question is only for those who don't understand
We, His children shall always say,
"Let Your will be done in me."

Hope is a true thing, love is too
Faith is a true thing, heaven is too
We are competing a competition of life
and we will win it with God on our side

Never ask "why" to God,
for He has precious plans for you and me

May 14, 2013


Being a pure heart person is not an easy option. Those who have been contaminated by the world will find it difficult to be one of that person. You might want to ask this to me, "What are you talking about?"

When a fierce-look man approaches us, what will come into our minds? Most of us will be a little bit afraid, and think, "Oh no... why is he coming at me? What does he want from me." "What is he trying to do? Is he trying to steal thing from me? Or maybe he wants to kidnap me?" "Who is this man, anyway? He scares me. I think he is an ex-criminal. Just look at his look." These minds come just like that as we see the man. We haven't heard his real intention, we haven't known that he actually wants to ask about the time. We just do it, think negatively about the man.

We heard a lot of news about crimes, murders, kidnapping, robbery, corruption, deception, and all negative stuffs about the world. It forms our mind and builds us into a negative-thinking person. Forget about the fierce-look man, we can even think negatively about people around us, about people we know. We know that criminality can happen anywhere and can be done by anyone. We know that anyone can hurt us, including our friends. So we make a step, build a protection wall, by making a prejudice. Even we ourselves sometimes have bad intention in our heart over someone.

Elisha had a pure heart. If not, God would not grant him his wish. God knew that Elisha will use Elijah's anointing for good purpose. Elijah also knew that he'll be a good successor. All because his pure heart. Our God is God who knows. He could see what's in his heart. But Elijah might not able to see it. He perhaps knew Elisha's sincerity from God who spoke to him, or through his faithfulness in following Elijah, or Elisha's face (for the Bible tells us that what's inside appears outside). All we know is that Elisha did do great things in his life for God.

Let us learn from Elisha, be a pure-heart person, a person who is like Elisha. God will fill us with good things, and also lead us to good things, for it is promised to those who have pure heart.

Father in heaven, give me a pure heart. Teach me to love without a prejudice and wrong intention. I have to deal a lot with my heart, God. Help me to get a new one. I believe that You can renew my life. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
He who loves a pure heart and whose speech is gracious will have the king for his friend.
Pro. 22:11

May 12, 2013


It's very difficult for some people to believe that a prophet could pray for rain to fall or rain to stop. They might think that it was impossible. It's very difficult for scientists to believe that there are ghosts, except they can prove it with scientific explanation. Whether it is praying for rain or ghost, both of them are just two examples of unresolved mysteries in the world.

Faith is also a mystery of life. No one know exactly how to explain the way it works. Surprisingly, all of us can run it only with trust, belief. As long as someone believe that God is more than capable of doing a great thing, it will happen, it will be real. So, suppose we hope for health, God will give it freely to us when we believe. But, unfortunately, it is not that easy to activate a faith. Seeing thing we haven't seen sounds ridiculous. How would someone do that?

Certain things in God can not be integrated into our mind. It might be difficult for us to believe that Jesus could heal the sick with dirt or just by saying a word. It might also be difficult for us to believe that He could raise the dead or brought Himself alive after three days of death. But, that is Christianity about. We have to believe that God, the Great we can't see, is real and alive and capable of doing great things in the past, at present, and in the future. He teaches us live with our heart and spirit, not with our body or physical eyes. So now, let us just believe! Whatever comes in our way to reach our dreams, just believe!

Dear Father in heaven, thank you for coming into my life. Although I can't see You, I have tasted Your greatness, Your goodness. Help me to live not by might, not by power, but by the Spirit of God, by faith. Help to see You with my spiritual eyes. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
Heb. 11:1

May 11, 2013


It was one night before presentation. I had to present a topic if I wanted to pass my final year course. I had almost set everything, the material, the research... except that I had to made a hard copy for the presentation.

I was busy studying when my mom passed by my room and saw me typing. She said to me, "Honey, is there anything I can do for you? You look so busy these days, preparing everything for the exam. If there is one thing I can do for you."

"O Mom, thank you so much. I do need a help. But it's okay if you can't help me, it's rather complicated anyway," I said.

She said, "No, it's okay. I'll try to help you. Now, tell me, what should I do?"

"Ehm, could you help me printing this file, Mom? I used to go to the front rental computer to print things. Just show them this file... see... this file, just remember the file's name, they'll help you to print it. Please print it two times for me. How's that? I have to finish the one on the computer." I said.

"Okay. Just show them the file, right? Two times? Yup, I think I can't handle it. Don't worry," she said.

"Thank you so much, Mom. You are the best. Please keep the fd for me. They are precious data inside," I said.

In short, my mom went to the rental computer I told her. She finally came back, brought two bonds of paper in her hands. But, how shocked I was knowing that the printed file was not the file I meant. It was already late, no rental would be open that hour and I found my paper was the wrong paper. I was so angry with my mother but I could not say anything to her. I was tired and I didn't know what to do. My presentation would be the first presentation tomorrow morning. I was not sure that I could print it on time in the morning before presentation. I cried. I wanted to blame my mom but I knew it wasn't entirely her fault. I should have printed it several days before.

My mom didn't say anything. She understood that I was angry to her and knew that I would not talk about it that moment. So, she left me alone in my room. Crying and trying finishing the presentation, I was also praying in my heart, "God, help me."

The next day, I knew that my mom prayed for me that early morning. I was touched hearing her prayer. I also prayed to God to help me that day, but I was too arrogant to say something to her that morning. So I left my house earlier, printed my paper, and went to the course.

In short, I finally finished the presentation and found out that I was the best presenter that year. I was so happy. But, remembering that moment also reminded me about my mother's fault and my mother's love for me. I knew she just wanted to help me and I also realize that she isn't perfect. I know that she prays for me every night and I can still hear her saying my names every morning before God. Without her prayers I know that I will never be like I am now. She is the helper God has sent to me on earth and I thank God for giving her to me.

God, thank you for her.

May 10, 2013


People say, "You can't do it."
Jesus says, "You can do everything in me."

People say, "I don't know you or even care about you."
Jesus says, "I love you more than you ever know."

People say, "I will love you if you give me something I want."
Jesus says, "I will love you with nothing in return."

People say, "I love you for now."
Jesus says, "I love you until the eternity."

People say, "You are not rich, not good looking... You are nothing."
Jesus says, "You mean everything to Me."

May 08, 2013


Most of us who have sons or daughters must have great expectations for our children. We want them to be successful in life; have a good academic performance; have a great achievement outside of school; become a doctor, a pilot, an engineer, a great musician, etc. All these wishes are okay and acceptable for what we want is the best for them. But in order to make these dreams a reality, some parents "force" their children to give the best, to be the best. They put their children in expensive schools, they sign up their children to several private classes or courses, they demand their children to stay at home and spend their time only to study, study, and study. Some of them even teach their children like an army, yelling and beating their children when they can't answer questions.

I've met several children who have been treated that way. I saw that they did make great performance inside or outside school, but I also could see that they were under pressure. They could not enjoy life just like other children. They live according to the demand of their parents, to do the best, to be the best. They live only to please their parents. Seeing such condition, a question comes to my mind. "Is it the child who is embarrassed when they fail or can't be number one, or the parent?"

No parents want their children fail, but we do not live to force our children to be like what we want, we should be the protectors, advisors, and guides for them. We can have dreams for our children, but we have to appreciate them for their effort. We might plan great things for them according to our imagination for we think that they are the best plans for them. But, never forget that our dreams might not be God's dreams. What we have prepared for our children might be very different with their interests. God makes us parents in order to bring our children to His ways, to His dreams, to his wills.

Dear God, forgive me for having great demands for my children. I have imposed my will to them and forced them to be like what I want them to be. Give me a heart of a parent, a heart of a father, a heart of a mother. All I always want is the best for them, but sometimes I forgot what kind of "best" is the best for them. Help me to see Your plans in their lives, God, and help to be Your hands for them. Bless them, God, for I love them, and I know that You love them, too. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Fathers, do not exasperate your children; 
instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.
Eph. 6:4


In the quiet place, I find You
In the secret place, I meet You
Feeling Your love, enjoying Your presence
All I know, I don't wanna leave this place

Worshiping You with all of my heart
Praising You with all of my soul
Your beauty has captured me
forced me to stay and dwelt in Your house

I love to be here in Your presence
when hopes and certainties fill my days
I like to be here in Your throne
when power and greatness covers the universe

There is no darkness here where You shine
There is no sadness here where You stand
There is only joy and laugh where You are adored
You are truly God, our awesome God

I'll stay here for my whole life
and never let You go from my sight
I'll dwell here for my eternity
worship and praise to You is all I wanna hear

Be glorified You are my God
in the quiet place of my bedroom
Be magnified You are my God
in the secret place where I always see You

May 06, 2013


My friend is not a Sunday school teacher, but she often helps us to share about the Bible with the children in our project. One day when I joined her class, she told the kids the story about David and Goliath. She told them that it was awesome that David the young shepherd boy could defeat Goliath the giant, not with sword, spear, or javelin, but with a sling and a stone.

I might have heard the story tens time, but that moment is somehow rather difficult to forget. The point that size is not matter overwhelms me, build my faith that God is more than just able to do things, that He is God of all possible things. The moment also keeps reminding me that even though we are small, young, not good looking, not rich, as long as we stand on God's side, He can make us win over all situation.

Whose side are you leaning on?
Leaning on the Lord's side
Whose side are you leaning on?
Leaning on the Lord's side

I lean, I lean, I lean, I lean
Leaning on the Lord's side
I lean, I lean, I lean, I lean
Leaning on the Lord's side

Dear Father, I come before You as Your child. I want to make a commitment that I will lean on You for my whole life. I will always stand on Your side for I know that victory is Yours. Teach me to be like David who loved You with all his heart. I want to be loved just like the way You loved him. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

David said to the Philistine, "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, 
whom you have defied.
1 Sam. 17:45


Do we realize that our offering to God has something to do with faith? And it is not just a faith faith, we are talking about the right faith.

When Cain and Abel learned from their parents, Adam and Eve, about giving an offering to God, I believe that both of them did try to give the best from whatever they have; Cain with his agricultural products, and Abel from his cattle. Unfortunately, Cain didn't understand that God loves to receive living sacrifice which was only given by Abel. And unfortunately again, Cain didn't realize his lack or try to understand God's will. In contrary, he became jealous and angry to Abel, and finally killed him. Here we read that Abel's blood cried out to God because of his faith.

Don't you think our God is the God of appreciation? I believe so. I believe that no matter how small our offering to Him, He will appreciate it. I also believe that God was actually happy when he saw Cain came before him with the best offering he could give from his land. But, God also wants us to know the right one.

When the best meets the right, this is a faith before God.

Dear Father in heaven, thank you for giving me another chance to give to You. I want to learn about giving with faith, giving the best and the right offering. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

By faith Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain did. By faith he was commended as a righteous man, when God spoke well of his offerings. And by faith he still speaks, even though he is dead.
Heb 11:4

May 05, 2013


Learning again from "The Happening," perhaps anyone who hasn't watched it should watch it first. Here you will see fiction defense mechanism given by trees against human. The fact is some plants are capable of producing special compound that makes living organism around it difficult to grow or even die, such as allelopathy. Well, I think after this we should reconsider hundred times about making trees angry.

We are not the only living creature who lives on earth. God has created plants and animals before He created us. He did give us a task to rule over/to have dominion over them, but in other Bible translation, words "take care" are used to describe the dominion. What is the meaning then? It's true that even God sacrifice Himself for us, human. It's true that we are placed higher than plants and animals. It's true that we have the authority upon them, but we also have an obligation to take care of them, to be nice to them.

A lot of evidence has showed us what will happen if we only consume from earth without giving "feedback" to it. Massive exploitation upon earth has resulted in contamination, scarcity, flood, landslide, global warming, and many others. What should we do then as Christians?

God creates plants but He also waters them. God creates animals but He also made them in pairs. He did it so that human can get benefit form them and, at the same time, keep their existence (again, for human's sake). The truth is He doesn't always take, but He also gives, and this is what we're going to do. Take what we need from earth, but don't forget to give back to earth; cut trees and plant trees, consume meet and breed cattle, use water and maintain wellsprings, rivers, seas, oceans, and etc. Love the earth just as it has given us a lot so that we can live. Don't make it "angry."

Dear God, thank you for giving me earth. Thank you for creating everything before creating me. Teach me to keep what You have trusted to me. I'm sorry if wasted it all this time. I might not be able to keep the whole land, but I can start it from my nearest area, my home, my city. Give us Your wisdom to run Your earth with knowledge and understanding. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.
Gen. 2:15

May 03, 2013


One of our favorite movies while we were still in the college was "The Happening." A story telling about trees "rebellion" upon human in a certain area in The United States made us thrilled and wondered what if it really happened in a real life.

A fact that every living creature in this universe has a sense of self defense personally interests me. (According to this film, plants feel threaten by human's negative acts upon nature. That's why they release cryptic neurotoxin that causes anyone exposed to it to commit suicide.) God does create us so that we know how to survive. Yes, to survive. From what? From anything that endangers us.

But what is the difference between us, human, and other living creatures? We are created not only to survive (to keep alive), but also to live a life. If we only live to survive, we won't feel guilty hurting (or even killing) others for food, for area, so that we may live. If we only live to survive, we will freely release our "cryptic neurotoxin" frustrating, poisoning, influencing others negatively.

Jesus showed us about what kind of life should be had by those believing in Him. He does teach us to love ourselves, but more than that He also teaches us to love others just the way like we love ourselves. Giving meaning the world where we live is more important than just surviving. Helping others, placing others before ourselves is more important than just surviving. But everyone does need to survive! Yes, that's is true. But once we become a Christian, that is not our main focus. Our focus is God and His will, including if He wants us to sacrifice ourselves.

Dear God, I'm sorry if I still can't understand the meaning of being a Christian, but teach me what does it mean to give meaning to the world. Teach me about Your love and Your life. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen

And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you?
Even 'sinners' do that.
Luke 6:33

May 02, 2013


Worship, I worship You
Praise, I praise Your name
I lift my hands to Your throne
I bring my heart to Your heaven

Worship, You are worthy to receive my worship
Praise, You are The Marvelous One of my praise
I stand before Your place
I surrender before Your grace

Awesome, the Awesome One
God, it is what You are
My mouth is filled with songs and psalms,
unstoppable upon Your presence

Allow me to bring songs
Don't reject me as my spirit dances
I love to be in Your atmosphere
and I will dwell in it forever

May 01, 2013


You are always near... always
Your hand always holds mine... always
I'm glad although I can't see You
for You are always near

You are always faithful... always
In difficult times, in joyful moments
You are always faithful... always
for it is what You are, God... faithful

I love to say, always, always,
because the word really suits You
Your kindness, Your mercy,
You are always good

Your power, Your greatness,
You are always awesome
The Highest, the most of all
Nothing compares to You

Always, always... You never give up on me
because You always love me
Always, always... You keep whispering Your guidance
and I know I will never be alone

Always, God, You will always be my God