"Untuk siapa kulit cantikmu?" This question is used in a lotion advertisement in our country. It means, "Whom is your beautiful skin for?" Models in the advertisement give different answers for the question. Some of them say other people's name, while the last model says, "Me." If you receive the same question, what will your answer be?
Some people, especially women, do beauty treatments in order to look whiter, darker, smoother, prettier. Some of them use the common, while the other even use the extreme ones. Why do they do that? For whom do they do that?
There are a lot of reasons why people have painful and expensive beauty treatment; buy expensive and fashionable clothes; consult the doctor about food they can eat, supplement they can consume, sports they should do; but one of the main reasons is because they want to do it for someone, it could be someone else, or even they themselves. But, no matter what the reason is, we need to remember this, do not take care of our body in order to gratify its desire (Rom. 13:14 LAI Translation).
Having a good, clean looking is important, but the most important is to identify the will of flesh. If we take care of this body only to please our flesh, our sinful nature, repent now. Wake up into a real life and realize that this body isn't eternal, one day it will turn into dust and return to the ground it came from. Take care of our body because we want to bless others, for souls we want to win will run before us if we never take a bath.
Dear Father, forgive me if all this time all I want is to please my own desire, forgive me if I only take care of this body for worldly desires. Teach me to see Your purpose over my life God, including this body. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ,
and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature.
Rom. 13:14
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