May 12, 2013


It's very difficult for some people to believe that a prophet could pray for rain to fall or rain to stop. They might think that it was impossible. It's very difficult for scientists to believe that there are ghosts, except they can prove it with scientific explanation. Whether it is praying for rain or ghost, both of them are just two examples of unresolved mysteries in the world.

Faith is also a mystery of life. No one know exactly how to explain the way it works. Surprisingly, all of us can run it only with trust, belief. As long as someone believe that God is more than capable of doing a great thing, it will happen, it will be real. So, suppose we hope for health, God will give it freely to us when we believe. But, unfortunately, it is not that easy to activate a faith. Seeing thing we haven't seen sounds ridiculous. How would someone do that?

Certain things in God can not be integrated into our mind. It might be difficult for us to believe that Jesus could heal the sick with dirt or just by saying a word. It might also be difficult for us to believe that He could raise the dead or brought Himself alive after three days of death. But, that is Christianity about. We have to believe that God, the Great we can't see, is real and alive and capable of doing great things in the past, at present, and in the future. He teaches us live with our heart and spirit, not with our body or physical eyes. So now, let us just believe! Whatever comes in our way to reach our dreams, just believe!

Dear Father in heaven, thank you for coming into my life. Although I can't see You, I have tasted Your greatness, Your goodness. Help me to live not by might, not by power, but by the Spirit of God, by faith. Help to see You with my spiritual eyes. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
Heb. 11:1

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