January 15, 2013


Sensitive, introvert, analytical, easily offended, perfectionist, structured, and avenger is some of melancholic nature. Have you ever had a friend with this personality? Well, I have. In fact, I’m one of them.

Being a melancholic is a blessing and a test. Just imagine! Being so sensitive at all time makes you like an aerial, catching every signal, even the weakest one, makes you know what you want the most, and trains you to drag so much positive things that make you stronger. Yet, it also becomes your greatest weakness, for your heart is like a breakable glass, very difficult to fix once it is broken.

This nature often brings the melancholic to a time when it is hard for them to be close with someone. At first, it’s not a problem, because they are independent people. But, finally, it frustrates them. When it happened to me, I decided to pray and ask for a friend from God. And, thank to God, we were met at college.

Well, what is the difficulty of finding a friend, a good friend? People say that as long as we can be a good friend for others, it won’t be difficult to have one. Hhem... it is easy to say, but the fact isn’t always like this.

Being a melancholic keeps you alert, thinks negatively, and always anticipates the worst. It’s really hard for them to see the good side of something, or someone. That’s why I was so happy when I got a friend with almost the same personality like me. It feels like there is someone who finally can understand me. But, it doesn’t mean that God justifies everything I do, for in the end I finally understand, God wants every melancholic to be the “perfect” melancholic for Him.

God wants them to be sensitive to His love, sensitive to others’ needs.
God wants them to be introvert to things He doesn’t like.
God wants them to be analytical to everything they do, become a blessing for others.
God wants them to be easily offended and an avenger to sin; hate it so much until they never do it anymore.
God wants them to be perfectionist in spiritual life, their relation, prayer, and ministry to God.
God wants them to be structured in their priority, put Him in the first place in their life.

Dear God, thank you for making me just the way I am. I know that my being, including my personality, is to fulfill Your purpose. Help me to see it. In the name of Jesus Christ, my Creator, Amen.

For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works,
which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Eph. 2:10

1 comment:

  1. Wow... I'm blown off. You're so melancholic and I love your writhing skills too. I'm also a full time melancholic and I love the last portion of your blog. It resonates deeply with me ☺ God bless you
